
All-encompassing Frontend Development Resources

Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures

Spellbook of Modern Web Development

Frontend Interview Handbook


SXA Overview Part 1

SXA Overview Part 2

SXA Implementation - Some Tips & Tricks

Video Tutorial Walkthrough

Add data attributes to renderings

Sitecore JSS

Refactor Sitecore to JSS

Helix / JSS


Essential JavaScript Design Patterns - Complete Book


CSS Architecture

Objects in Space - A style-guide for modular SASS development using SMACSS and BEM

Computer Science

Teach Yourself Computer Science

Random Junk & Garbage

VSCode Can Do That?! - A collection of resources for VSCode, because yes… it CAN do that.

VSCode Settings Sync - Share your extensions with others or re-populate all your installed extensions into a new computer or instance of VS Code

A Collection of UI Design Tips

Make your code snippet screenshots look pretty with Carbon

A Script to set up a new Laptop with all the Things

ES6 In Depth - Brought to you by Mozilla

Add or Remove classes on things w/ jQuery?
could be a fix for slick carousel variable height slides. add a class that makes all the other slides have ` display: none;`

Charles - Web Debugging Proxy Application


read in order

A Primer to Frontend SVG Hacking :D

Optimizing SVGs in Data URIs

Data URI Generator

URL Encoder


Make makgeolli (Korean rice wine / beer) with this iyangju base recipe