JavaScript: The New Hard Parts Navigation

JavaScript: The New Hard Parts

Workshop slides are here



The instructor for this course, Will Sentance, is the founder of Codesmith. He lets everyone know how amazing it is and that the graduates of his program earn a reasonable salary at big tech companies. Great. More importantly, the content covered in this workshop is what job seekers get asked the most in interviews. Event loop and closure are two of the very important topics. Also, here is a list of things that companies look for in mid - senior level candidates:

JavaScript Code Execution

If you’ve already taken / read my notes on, Javascript: The Hard Parts, this next bit may look familiar, but a refresher never hurt. It is important to understand how the JavaScript engine executes code, having this understanding will make it easier to comprehend the content of this workshop.

What happens when JavaScript executes (runs) my code?

const num = 3;
function multiplyBy2 (inputNumber) {
    const result = inputNumber*2;
    return result;

const name = "Will";

When JavaScript code is executed, a ‘global execution context’ is created and two things happen when JavaScript executes the above (or any…) code. One, a ‘thread of execution’ is created which parses and executes the code line by line. Two, a live memory of variables with data (known as a ‘global variable environment’) is created. In the above code, the only thing ‘happening’ is 3 pieces of data are being stored in the ‘global variable environment’ aka memory; num, multiplyBy2, name. Adding on to the above example:

const num = 3;
function multiplyBy2 (inputNumber) {
    const result = inputNumber*2;
    return result;

const output = multiplyBy2(4);
const newOutput = multiplyBy2(10);

Now with output and newOutput, we are actually storing the result of the multiplyBy2 function. To do that, a new execution context is created for each, output and newOutput, with their own separate local memory / variable environments, within the global execution context. Walking through output, would be something like this:

While setting the value of outuput by running multiplyBy2, newOutput will have an undefined value because JavaScript can only execute one thing at a time. Also, once the value of output is set, the local execution context that was created to run multiplyBy2 is ‘garbage collected’ (deleted).

The last thing that is important to know about in this foundational review of JavaScript, is the call stack. Imagine JavaScript is like a stack of plates, with the global execution context being the first (or bottom) plate, while each additional execution context gets placed on top of the stack of plates in the order in which it was called. i.e. a new function call creates a new execution context which gets added to the call stack of plates, when that execution context is exited, the plate gets removed and JavaScript returns to the execution context that it was previously in, in this case the global execution context. Adding to the call stack(s) technical term is ‘push’, removing from the call stack(s) technical term is ‘pop’… similar to arrays.

Asynchronous JavaScript

Introducing Asynchronicity

Asynchronicity is the backbone of modern web development in JavaScript. JavaScript is single threaded and has a synchronous execution model. But what if we need to wait until we get some data back from an API? It would be nice to be able to wait for some code to execute, but not block the entire execution thread from executing any other code while it is also waiting… It is also important to note that there are a ton of features that JavaScript has access to but are not directly within the language itself; i.e. ‘speaking to the internet’, this is a browser feature. Take a look at this code:

function display(data) {

const dataFromAPI = fetchAndWait('https:/')

//... user can do NOTHING here 😞
//... could take 300ms, could never finish
//... they're clicking and getting nothing until it finishes


console.log("Run me later!");

Executing the above code goes like so: Declare display function, set dataFromAPI to result of fetchAndWait, execute display function with dataFromAPI as its argument, console.log ‘Run me later!’. It’s pretty straightforward, but the wrench in the flow is dataFromAPI. While that is being set, we have no idea how much time will pass before it is complete and it will block the rest of our code from executing until it is finished…

The above code ‘works’, but in a synchronous manner. If we didn’t care about the functionality of our application it would be fine. But we do care about the functionality of our application and we need to have the ability asynchronously execute code.

Asynchronous Web Browser APIs

In order to get some asynchronous features, we need to interface with external environments to introduce them. Let’s look at how the web browser helps with asynchronicity. One feature that the web browser ‘lends’ to JavaScript is the DOM (Document Object Model) which are the elements on the ‘page’ that JavaScript can interact with. Console is another web browser feature that is outside of JavaScript. Local storage, ability to speak to the internet, XHR; all of these are not JavaScript features. To bring asynchronicity to JavaScript, we need Web Browser APIs / Node Background Threads. Take a look at this code and then we’ll walk through it / break down what it is doing.

function printHello() {

setTimeout(printHello, 1000);

console.log("Print me first!");

Here’s how the above code executes:

Asynchronous Web Browser APIs Q&A

Q: How do you work with ‘layers’? i.e. if the function called in the setTimeout had another setTimeout in it?

A: We’ll come back to that.

Q: What happens if I am actively executing something on the call stack, when will the setTimeout be ‘allowed’ on the call stack?

A: Good question.

Come on Will… You literally did not answer these questions.

Calling the Outside World

Here’s another look using the Web Browser API setTimeout and another blocking function:

function printHello() {

function blockFor1Sec() {
    // blocks JavaScript thread of execution for 1 second



console.log("Print me first");

Here’s what will happen:

Why does printHello not get run until the end?! There is another component to JavaScript that we’ve not yet seen, the Callback Queue. When the setTimeout is ready, the function is first put in the Callback Queue. The Callback Queue checks the Call Stack to see if it can add to it, which it is allowed to do only when the Call Stack is empty and all of the Global Execution Context code is finished running. The process of checking the Call Stack and the Global Execution Context is called the Event Loop.

Calling the Outside World Q&A

Q: Where is the Callback Queue? Is it a Web Browser feature?

A: That is a JavaScript engine feature.

Q: How are is the Callback Queue prioritized? i.e. what if you have more than one setTimeout?

A: They are put in the Callback Queue as they are ready. (not clear if it functions like the call stack, or if they are placed in the order that they are ready…)

Q: Is the Callback Queue a stack?

A: It is a queue. It is a ‘first in, first out’ queue. If you have printHello, then printGoodbye, then printNothing, if they were added to the Callback Queue in that order, they would be executed in that same order.

Q: What does setInterval do?

A: It is similar to setTimeout, in that it is another Web Browser API.

Q: Is there a limit to the size of the Callback Queue?

A: The function is not actually stored in the Callback Queue, it is stored in JavaScript memory, so the question more technically is, “Is there a to JavaScript memory for function definitions?”. The answer to which is, yes…

Q: Is the Event Loop a part of the JavaScript engine?

A: Yes.

Q: What happens when you pass an anonymous function to setTimeout?

A: Even without a ‘label’, function definitions are stored in memory with a position.

Wrapping Up Web Browser APIs

What are the problems of Web Browser APIs?


Asynchronous Exercises

There is no better way to grow as a software engineer than pair programming. If you are just watching video workshops or reading articles, you are likely not hitting any of the ‘blocks’ that require you to try hard to get through which is what allows you to grow as an engineer. Code challenges, difficult projects, pair programming all help you grow. Pair programming is especially important as you have a navigator who’s job it is to verbalize precisely how the program should function and a driver who is required to make the implementation of the code. The navigator is not allowed to ever touch the keyboard, so they are ‘forced’ to use technical communication to effectively communicate their ‘vision’. Here’s some more details about pair programming. Ideally with a partner, answer these questions:

Great! Now go to and do the things! (still with a partner if possible)

Here’s the solutions, no peeking


Introducing Promises

Promises are special objects built into JavaScript that get returned immediately when we make a call to a web browser API / feature (i.e. fetch) that’s set up to return promises (not all are). Promises act as a placeholder for the data we hope to get back from the web browser feature’s background work. We also attach the functionality we want to defer running until that background work is done (using the built-in .then method). Promise objects will automatically trigger that functionality to run. The value returned from the web browser feature’s work will be that function’s input / argument.


Now that we have seen the promise of promises, let’s look at a third approach to asynchronous code, which is a two-pronged ‘facade’ function that both initiates background web browser work and returns a placeholder object (a promise) immediately in JavaScript:

function display(data) {

const futureData = fetch("");

futureData.then(display); // attached display functionality

console.log("Print me first!");

As usual, here’s a breakdown of how the above code executes:

    value: undefined,
    onFulfillment: [...]

When the web browser feature completes the request, value in the above object will be updated with the result of the request. And, when the value gets ‘filled in’, the onFulfillment array (which is an array of functions) gets triggered / run. fetch defaults to GET which means that it is retrieving data as opposed to sending data.

Finally, with this approach, we are able to start a task that takes a long time, continue running through our JavaScript code, and when the data comes back, we were able to ‘auto-trigger’ functionality (that we set; display function) on the returned data. 🔥

Promises Q&A

Q: Does fetch use the event loop?

A: Yes, but in a really interesting way 🤦🏻‍♂️

Q: Does the (XHR) web browser feature directly set memory or does it use the event loop?

A: Will Sentance refuses to answer…

Q: Why are we using const for the variable that will eventually get updated when the fetch operation is complete? I thought that const was not able to be modified?!

A: For primitive values stored in a const, they are unable to be changed. Objects and arrays though… they can be modified as long as you do not get rid of the object or array… i.e. you can add properties to the object or positions to the array.

Q: If the onFulfillment ‘function’ triggered by JavaScript or the web browser?

A: JavaScript.

Promises & Microtask Queue

How does the promise deferred functionality get back into JavaScript to be run?! Let’s break down the following code to get a comprehensive understanding of how asynchronous code works:

function display(data){

function printHello() {

function blockFor300ms() {
    // blocks js thread for 300ms with long for loop

setTimeout(printHello, 0);

const futureData = fetch('');



// which will run first?

console.log("Print me first!");

And… here’s how the above code executes:

Microtask Queue Q&A

Q: Are there any other browser features that use the Microtask Queue instead of the Callback Queue?

A: Yes, but you would need to check the JavaScript specification docs to find exactly which ones. Job queue = Microtask queue, Task queue = Callback queue. Keep in mind that the spec is not necessarily how JavaScript gets implemented. For a long time, browsers other than Chrome put fetch into the Callback Queue…

Q: How was the value property of the Promise object updated? It seems like it skipped over the Callback Queue, Call Stack, Event Loop, etc…

A: The assignment of value is ‘likely’ not set until the Call Stack is empty, but the important thing is that value being set triggers the functions in the onFulfillment array…

Q: If value gets updated again and triggers the functions stored in the onFulfillment array, do they (the functions) get added to the Microtask queue?

A: Yes, you can starve the Callback queue if the Microtask queue is never emptied.

There is a third property on the Promise object; that is the status property. The status property is actually what triggers the functions in the onFulfillment array. status can be: pending, resolved, or rejected. When status is resolved is actually what triggers the onFulfillment array of functions. AND there is a fourth property on the Promise object; onRejected, which is another array of functions for when the fetch fails… You can pass functions into the onRejected array as a second argument in a .then(onF, onR) or use .catch() to only specify a function in the event of an error.

Wrapping Up Promises

Now, with the Microtask queue, JavaScript can be an asynchronous language. And thanks to web browsers, there are a ton of asynchronous features available to JavaScript. 99% of developers have no idea how Promises work under the hood, but if you have read the above, you do understand. If you do not understand them, Promises make debugging harder. If you do understand Promises, you end up with a cleaner and more readable style of code with a pseudo-synchronous style to it AND a nice error handling process.

In summary… Promises, Web APIs, the Callback & Microtask Queues, and the Event Loop allow us to defer actions until the ‘work’ (an API request, timer, etc) is completed and continue running our code in the meantime. Asynchronous JavaScript is the backbone of the modern web - letting us build fast and in a ‘non-blocking’ way.


Returning Function Inside a Function

It is often the case that we have some data in our application that we need to update, but it is not often the case that the data is a single item, but usually a collection of some sort… an array, object, etc… So the updating of data, the finding of the correct element to update is of itself a task. Also, you generally just want a specific element, then the next one, then the next, and so on. How that happens doesn’t really matter… Imagine that your data is a stream that is coming towards you and this is a way of accessing the next element in that flow. So instead of your data being a static source, imagine it being a flow that you could turn on and off to get the next element as needed 🤯

Before we look at this ‘new way’ of working with / iterating over data, let’s look at the ‘old way’.

const numbers = [4, 5, 6];

for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {

And… here is how that executes:

Great… The eventual ‘new way’ that we get to will be way better. Until then, let’s read this:

Programs store data and apply functionality to it. But there are two parts to applying functions to collections of data:

  1. The process of accessing each element
  2. What we want to do to each element

Iterators automate the accessing of each element - so we can focus on what to do to each element - and make it available to us in a smooth way

Imagine if wee could create a function that stored numbers and each time we ran the function it would return out an element (the next one) from numbers. NOTE: It would have to remember which element was next somehow.

BUT… this would let us think of our array/list as a ‘stream’ or flow of data with our function returning the next element from our ‘stream’ - this makes our code more readable and more functional.

But it starts with us returning a function from another function

🤔 some of that seems like we’ve already read it before… 🤷‍♂️ guess it doesn’t hurt to iterate over the subject of iteration?

One of the most powerful features of JavaScript is returning a function from another function and we’ll see why in just a moment. Consider this bit of code:

function createNewFunction() {
    function add2(num) {
        return num+2;
    return add2;

const newFunction = createNewFunction();

const result = newFunction(3);

How can we run/call add2 now? Outside of createNewFunction?

I imagine we will answer those question(s) if we walk through the code… Here’s that:

Return Next Element with a Function

Wonderful… now we can set the value of a variable to be the return value of a function (which is another function), but why would that be of any use?! Why not just define add2 globally?! Because when you return a function from another function, you get… Damnit Will, the rhetorical question lead-ins always trip me up. Before we talk about the benefits of returning a function from a function, lets look at some more code!

function createFunction(array) {
    let i = 0;
    function inner() {
        const element = array[i];
        return element;
    return inner;

const returnNextElement = createFunction([4, 5, 6])

^ ^ How can we access the first element in the list?! By walking through the code line-by-line!

Now, hopefully… we should be able to call returnNextElement and ‘get’ the next element returned. Yes, that’s exactly how it works… returnNextElement(), returnNextElement(), returnNextElement()

With each call of returnNextElement, a new execution context is created in the local memory of which is declared the const element which is set to array[i]… but what is the value of either array or i?! Well, initially, JavaScript will check local memory and when array and i are not found, where does JavaScript check next? Global? no… Even though the execution context of createFunction was removed, returnNextElement does retain the data that was stored in the local memory of createFunction… so the next place that returnNextElement looks for array and i is technically itself? Yep. The function definition did retain array and i. So in this way, we are able to ‘iterate’ over the array and get the correct next element from repeatedly calling returnNextElement.

Iterator Function

The ‘backpack’ of (referenced) data that we get when returning a function from a function is known as:

Any function that when called gives out the next element from a flow of data is known as an iterator. Iterators turn data into ‘streams’ of actual values that can be accessed one after the other.

Now we have functions that hold an underlying array, the current position in the array, and return out the next item in the ‘stream’ of elements from the array when run.

This allows us to have loops that show us the element itself in the body on each loop and more deeply allows us to rethink arrays as flows of elements themselves which we can interact with by calling a function that switches that flow on to give us the next element (in the array).

This ‘decouples’ the process of accessing each element from what we want to do to each element.

Iterators Exercise

Go to and do the exercises (but not 7, 8, 9 yet). Solutions are here



Once we start thinking of our data as flows (where we can pick an element one-by-one) we can rethink how we produce those flows; JavaScript now lets us produce the flows using a (generator) function to set what individual element will be returned next 🎉

function *createFlow() {
    yield 4
    yield 5
    yield 6

const returnNextElement = createFlow();
const element1 =;
const element2 =;

What do we hope will return? But how?

By reiterating what we’ve already covered!

JavaScript’s built-in iterators are actually objects with a next method that when called return the next element from the ‘stream’ / flow - with some slight restructuring to make sure that we are truly clear on how iterators work.

function createFlow(array) {
    let i = 0;
    const inner = {
        next: function() {
            const element = array[i];
            return element;
    return inner

const returnNextElement = createFlow([4, 5, 6]);
const element1 =
const element2 =

Walking step-by-step through the above code:

All that verbosity is just to illustrate precisely how generator functions work in JavaScript, because that is how they work! With the .next method and all that magic!

Read about generator functions on MDN Read about generator functions in the JavaScript specification

Generator Functions with Dynamic Data

…and we’re right back at the beginning of this section with this bit of code to re-view (this time with a step-by-step walkthrough):

function *createFlow() {
    yield 4
    yield 5
    yield 6

const returnNextElement = createFlow();
const element1 =;
const element2 =;

We can now get some data ‘flowing’ out. This allows us to dynamically set what data flows to us (when we run returnNextElement’s function).

function *createFlow() {
    const num = 10;
    const newNum = yield num;
    yield 5 + newNum;
    yield 6;

const returnNextElement = createFlow();
const element1 = // 10
const element2 = // 7

Check out MDN for a plethora of additional information about generator functions

One additional note about generator functions is that the position of where in the function the code was last executed is stored in generator object in the memory of the scope that it was defined; in our case this would be in global memory.

Generators Q&A

Q: What is this patterned after?

A: Other languages have iterators and generators; i.e. Python. Traditional computer programming is very imperative, in that it will generally show you every last thing about how it does what it can do. Whereas, something like these iterators and generators are more of an abstracted style.

Q: When we are returning from next are we also returning done?

A: Yes. The above examples were simplified, there are both a value and a done property on the next object.

Q: Is yield essentially like return? i.e. can you have a ternary operation after it?

A: Yes.

Q: Does the generator object only have the next property or are there other properties on that object?

A: Go look… Thanks Will. I did go look, come at me bro! 🤣 The generator object looks like this:

const superCoolVariableName = awesomeFunction();

// awesomeFunction
// __proto__: Generator
//   __proto__: Generator
//     constructor: GeneratorFunction {prototype: Generator, Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "GeneratorFunction", constructor: *f*}
//     next: *f* next()
//     return: *f* return()
//     throw: *f* throw()
//     Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Generator"
//     __proto__: Object
// [[GeneratorLocation]]: VM000:0
// [[GeneratorState]]: "suspended"
// [[GeneratorFunction]]: *f* *awesomeFunction()
// [[GeneratorReceiver]]: Window
// [[Scopes]]: Scopes[3]

Q: Is the fact that these generator functions are synchronous a problem for code execution?

A: Not going to answer that right now. 😞

Now that you are a generator function expert, go back to and complete exercises 7, 8, and 9. Solutions are here

Introducing Async Generators

returnNextElement is a special object (generator object) that when its next method is run, starts (or continues) running createFlow until it hits yield and ‘returns’ out the value being ‘yielded’:

function *createFlow() {
    const num = 10;
    const newNum = yield num;
    yield 5 + newNum;
    yield 6;

const returnNextElement = createFlow();
const element1 = // 10
const element2 = // 7

We end up with a ‘stream’/flow of values that we can get one-by-one by running AND, we now have a way to control the re-entering to a function(s) execution context and whatever state it was in when we were pushed out of it.

Again, we are now able to suspend a function being run and then return to it by calling What if we could use this to handle asynchronicity? If we could… (we can), we could:

  1. Initiate a task that takes a long time (i.e. requesting data from the server)

  2. Move on to more synchronous ‘regular’ code in the meantime

  3. Run some functionality once the requested data has come back

What if we were to yield out of the function at the moment of sending off the long-time task and return to the function only when the task is complete?

We can use the ability to pause createFlow’s running and then restart it only when our data returns:

function doWhenDataReceived(value) {;

function *createFlow() {
    const data = yield fetch('');

const returnNextElement = createFlow();
const futureData =;


We get to control when we return back to createFlow and continue executing — by setting up the trigger to do so ( to be run by our function that was triggered by the promise resolution (when the value returned from Twitter).

Async Generators

Starting with a step-by-step walkthrough of this code:

function doWhenDataReceived(value) {;

function *createFlow() {
    const data = yield fetch('');

const returnNextElement = createFlow();
const futureData =;


As we’ll see in a moment, while the above is great and provides asynchronicity in a way that hasn’t been seen before, it gets even better with async await.

Async Generators Q&A

Q: If you had more code below the doWhenDataReceived assignment to the onFulfillment array on the futureData promise object, would the Microtask Queue be blocked from execution until the rest of the [synchronous] code has finished executing?

A: Yes. The code is asynchronous but still being executed inside of a synchronous environment.


Async Await

Async/await simplifies all of what we’ve covered with iterators and generators and fixes the inversion of control problem of callbacks.

async function createFlow() {
    console.log("Print this first");
    const data = await fetch('');


console.log("Print this second");

There is no need for a triggered function on the promise resolution, instead we auto-trigger the resumption of createFlow’s execution (the functionality of which is still added to the Microtask Queue). Walking through the above code:

Boom! 💥 All the things we did in the last section ‘Async Generators’ was just simplified with async/await!

Read more about async functions on MDN

Wrapping Up

The ‘under the hood’ overview of JavaScript is really the foundation of getting a senior developer position. And you should go to Codesmith. Another important takeaway is to focus on the quality of technical communication (generally seen in the code line-by-line walkthroughs). What makes a great senior developer is the ability to take any feature and empower one’s team to build it out with you. The ability to do so is very heavily based in / on the quality of technical communication.

This workshop covered all* of the ‘hardest’ parts of ES6 and ES7. Starting with the foundations of JavaScript; memory thread, execution context, call stack — to the JavaScript foundation getting augmented by a whole new set of pieces of architecture. Web browser features, callback queue, event loop, leading to the new built-in asynchronicity feature; promise objects, whose deferred functionality is assigned not to the callback queue, but the microtask queue. This workshop covered iterators and generators, which allow greater control over how we work with data and the yield keyword which allows us to suspend, exit, and re-enter an execution context. Finally, this workshop covered async/await which nicely wraps up all of the previous sections into a more concise model to handle asynchronous code.

*I’m not convinced that all is accurate, but whoami? 🤷‍♂️